As you get older, there may come a time that you might need help with routine things that you’ve always done for yourself like shopping, cooking, cleaning. There is a chance that you might also need help with activities of daily living such as, dressing, bathing, or monitoring your medications. Long Term Care insurance was created to help you with these activities of daily living.
There are many aspects of long term care insurance to consider, such as, can you stay at home while receiving care, will you be able to choose your own long term care facility. Depending on your situation, you may choose to apply for traditional long term care insurance. This is an insurance policy that you pay for through premium payments usually on a monthly or annual basis. When and if you need care, the policy will help pay for your care. All policies have different benefit amounts and options for you to consider.
Another type of long term care insurance policy you may consider is a lump sum long term care insurance plan, this type of plan is usually paid for with one lump sum of premium and it would pay a death benefit to your loved ones if you end up not needing the long term care benefits. If you do need to use the long term care benefits of your policy it will also help pay for your care.
Give us a call at (919) 412-6936 to get a free analysis and let one of our agents assist you in finding the right type of coverage to fit your long term care needs.